Spin-off of The Vampire Diaries, The Originals follows Klaus Mikaelson and his family returning to New Orleans, navigating alliances and confronting their past. Filled with drama and captivating backstories, Joseph Morgan shines as Klaus, exploring fierce bonds with his siblings.
"Forever Knight" follows Nick, an ancient vampire turned detective in Toronto, balancing his thirst for redemption with solving harrowing cases. With supernatural powers and a tortured past, Nick navigates a world of intrigue and danger across three gripping seasons.
"Legacies" extends the Vampire Diaries universe with Hope Mikaelson leading a new generation of supernaturals at Salvatore School. Through innovative storytelling, the series explores identity, inner demons, and the bonds of found family, offering fresh adventures while honoring its predecessors.
"Van Helsing" reimagines vampire tropes in a post-Rising world, featuring Vanessa, a fearless heroine immune to vampire thirst, battling undead terrorists alongside Dr. Luke in a character-driven narrative.
Spin-off of The Vampire Diaries, The Originals follows Klaus Mikaelson and his family returning to New Orleans, navigating alliances and confronting their past. Filled with drama and captivating backstories, Joseph Morgan shines as Klaus, exploring fierce bonds with his siblings.
AMC's "Interview with the Vampire" reimagines the classic tale, set in Dubai, as vampire Louis recounts his turbulent relationship with Lestat to journalist Daniel Molloy. It features captivating performances from Jacob Anderson and Sam Reid, balancing lavish aesthetics with spine-chilling encounters.
"The Vampire Diaries" redefined YA-friendly horror, becoming a binge-worthy sensation with its melodramatic saga, captivating characters, and stellar performances from Nina Dobrev, Ian Somerhalder, and Paul Wesley, bringing grand viewership to The CW.
"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" redefined television with Sarah Michelle Gellar's portrayal of the empowered heroine, Buffy Summers, challenging patriarchal demons over seven seasons, garnering a dedicated cult following enamored by its witty storytelling and supernatural setting.