Funny And Creative Names For Cats


Some suggestions: Aphrodite, Athena, Cybele, Cleopatra, Chimera,  Crete, Dodona, Daphne, Etna, Gaia, Hebe, Iris,  Jocasta, Minerva, Medusa, Olympia, Pandora, Pythonisa.

Naming cats after deities

They can be Apollo, Achilles, Chaos, Cyclops, Cronos, Destiny, Dionysus, Denis, Eros, Hades, Hercules, Jason, Minotaur, Osiris.

Name them after your idols

Tarantino, Hitchcock, Holt, Larry, Stallone, Marshall, Freud, Amy, Jimmy, Jagger, Janis, Lennon, Ringo, Picasso, Gypsy, House, Frida, Rambo, Sherlock, Elvis, Freddie.

Food and drinks

Blackberry, Olive, Popcorn, Dotiros, Peach, Fanta, Granola, Rosemary, Cupcake, Honey, Coffee, Chips, Cookie, Cornmeal, Jujube, Gnocchi, Lasagna.

Color and coat

Black, Chantilly, Midnight, Blackout, Wolf, Noir, Pirate, Pantera, Shadow, Zebra, Jade, Rubi, Yellow, Cloud, Aurora, Cristal.


Lilith, Agnes, Onyx, Trixie, Ursula, Zoe, Molly, Baba, Kiara, Strega, Luna, Glinda, Samantha, Phoebe, Zelena, Sabrina, Cleo.

Cartoon characters

The name can also come from a movie or a cartoon, such as Simba, Black Panther, Logan, Bruce, Samurai, Koda, Caleb, Fluffy, Pirate, Crook, Stuart, Tom.


Sleepy, Laziness, Sleepyhead, Loose, Sleeping Beast, Baby Sleepy, Jelly, Acorn, Little Ball, Giant, Fatty, Pom Pom.