It is common knowledge that sugar makes the aging process faster. The trick to keeping tight skin is to know where the sugar is lurking.
Canned soups contain a huge amount of salt, which is known to increase blood pressure. Some of them also contain bisphenol A, a chemical that is linked with cancer, infertility, and weight gain.
The reason pop tarts in particular are so bad for you is their insane sugar content. If you're planning to have children, having a high sugar diet could jeopardize your chances.
Although they may be good for your mood, these pastries can also put your health at risk. Their high fat content leads to a higher calorie intake and possible weight gain.
When men hit 30, it is usually around the time their metabolism slows down. Oreos are symbolic of all the empty calorie foods that you can consume when you are younger without gaining weight.
While hangovers are doable in your twenties, drinking these high-sugar beverages in your thirties could be catastrophic. Not only do they contribute to weight gain, but they also disrupt sleep.
It's not just men who can get beer bellies. Beer is quite high in calories. Although having one glass is okay, excessive amounts on the weekend in your thirties and beyond can lead to premature aging.