Slim Down

7 Beverages to Drink This Summer for Effective Weight Loss

A close-up shot of someone stirring a drink.

A close-up shot of someone stirring a drink.


Boosts metabolism and aids digestion.

Lemon Water

Lined Circle

A slow-motion shot of someone pouring water from a jug, into a glass.

A slow-motion shot of someone pouring water from a jug, into a glass.


Contains digestive enzymes and vitamins.

Pineapple Juice

Lined Circle

A still shot of a woman cutting a pineapple over a trash can, outdoors.

A still shot of a woman cutting a pineapple over a trash can, outdoors.


Herbal teas like peppermint, chamomile, or hibiscus are calorie-free beverage that aids digestion and keeps you cool.

Herbal Iced Tea

Lined Circle

Close-up shot of a woman stirring ice tea.

Close-up shot of a woman stirring ice tea.


High in water content and low in calories, making it a perfect hydrating snack

Watermelon Smoothie

Lined Circle

A pile of juicy, halved watermelons presented in boxes, showcasing their vibrant red color at a grocery store aisle. Perfect for themes of shopping, fresh produce and healthy eating habits.

A pile of juicy, halved watermelons presented in boxes, showcasing their vibrant red color at a grocery store aisle. Perfect for themes of shopping, fresh produce and healthy eating habits.


Controls blood sugar and boosts metabolism.

Apple Cider Vinegar Drink

Lined Circle

A close-up shot of someone stirring a drink.

A close-up shot of someone stirring a drink.


Add slices of cucumber, mint, berries, or citrus fruits to your water for a refreshing and flavorful drink

Infused Water

Lined Circle


Naturally low in calories and rich in electrolytes, coconut water is a great way to stay hydrated

Coconut Water

Lined Circle

Low-angle shot of water drops falling from a coconut tree.

Low-angle shot of water drops falling from a coconut tree.