Roses are one of the most beautiful red flowers and are the epitome of love. Roses grow well in Indian climates and can be grown in pots, containers, tubes, and balcony or terrace gardens.
Hibiscus is another red flower that is a delight to look at. It is known for its large, showy flowers, and how easily it can be grown and maintained.
The best time to grow Geranium in India is during the monsoon and it flowers from June to August.
One of the best vines to grow in your garden and one that can be maintained easily is Bougainvillea.
Ixora, also known as ‘Pendkuli’, has clusters of small, tubular flowers that look amazing in terrace gardens and in hanging pots.
Dahlias are known for their large flowers that come in a wide range of colours. But, one of the most beautiful is the red Dahlia.
Red Salvia plants are one of the most beautiful and look extremely elegant. In India, red salvia can grow in the hot and spring months and will attract pollinators like bees and butterflies.
Zinnias are beautiful annuals that bloom well throughout the summer months. They are easy to grow from seed and come in many shades of red.