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8 Things the World Is Running Out Of

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Who’d have thought we’d be running low on this party essential? It turns out that helium is not just for balloons; it’s also crucial for MRI scanners and spacecraft.

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Essential for farming, we’re depleting our phosphorus reserves much faster than they’re forming.

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Clean Water

It makes up about 70% of our planet, and yet, due to pollution and overuse, clean, fresh water is becoming increasingly scarce.

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It fuels our cars, heats our homes, and powers our industries. But it’s finite, and we’re using it alarmingly.

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Yes, you read it right. Our increasing demand for concrete and glass is depleting this surprisingly finite resource.

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Our beloved sweet treat is under threat due to climate change and diseases affecting cocoa trees.

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Overfishing has led to a decline in many fish populations. Sushi lovers, beware!

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Overuse and misuse of antibiotics have led to the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.