8 Biggest Flower Species In The World

Rafflesia arnoldii

A flower whose name dominated the GK books is the ‘Rafflesia arnoldii’, also known as the ‘corpse flower’.

​Titan Arum

Another giant flower from Indonesia is the ‘Titan Arum’ which can reach over 10 feet in height. It is large in both height and width and a towering, open flower.

​Talipot palm

While not exactly a flower, the Talipot Palm is another large species that blooms the flower at a very later stage.

​Puya raimondii

The Puya raimondii produces a flower spike that can reach up to 30 feet tall and blooms after 80 to 150 years and then dies.

​Agave Americana

Agave Americana, also known as the century plant, is another late bloomer with a towering height.


While sunflowers are not the largest in terms of individual blooms, some of the wild sunflowers were found to be as wide as an average human’s face.

​Amazon water lily

This giant water lily has leaves that can span up to 10 feet and gives floating support to even heavy animals. It also has large and fragrant flowers.

​Tree dahlia

A flowering tree native to Central America, the Tree Dahlia can grow up to 20 feet tall and has large, lavender-pink flowers, which can be 6-8 inches in diameter.