The green iguana can be a drain on your bank account, as they require a lot of space, special temperature regulation, and a specific diet.
If you keep this popular marine animal as a household pet, you may be unknowingly condemning it to a life of misery.
It is said that this cat is still too wild to tolerate domestic life. It also needs to be able to hunt and does not take well to store-bought cat food.
Chinchillas are soft and adorable, but they are highly social creatures and need a lot of attention. They are also not very cuddly, and would rather explore their environment than be held.
Although not all scorpions have venom capable of killing a human, they do all sting. The Emperor scorpion is the most popular pet scorpion as it tends to be docile, and its sting is comparable to that of a wasp.
A bat kept as a pet will experience terror, loneliness, boredom, and suffer from poor nutrition, according to Vox.
Raccoons often act out and bite when unhappy or hormonal. They can also be destructive, and may urinate on your belongings.