Koalas are the only members of the marsupial family to have fingerprints, similar to gorillas and chimpanzees (primates).
The peculiar morphology of a giraffe's neck led many to believe that these animals could not make sounds. However, scientists at the University of Vienna have discovered that giraffes communicate by humming.
Because sloths have stomachs similar to those of ruminants, they take a long time to digest their meals. Foods that sloths eat regularly pass more quickly through their digestive systems.
Getting pandas in captivity to reproduce is notoriously difficult. In the wild, pandas have a very particular mating season.
It was believed that only primates, primarily, could recognize themselves in a mirror. Magpies can not only recognize themselves, they can also distinguish between themselves and their reflections!
To construct a bed that will support its weight, an orangutan selects branches, cuts them, and weaves them together using a special technique.
To avoid drifting apart while sleeping, sea otters within the same clan or family (mother and baby) sleep paw in paw. This behaviour also protects them from predator attacks.
While the end result is plain to see, the cause continues to fascinate scientists. Why do wombats have cubic poop? Intestinal grooves and a need to absorb all available water could be part of the answer.